Tuesday, December 18, 2007

#18 Web-based apps

My favourite holiday destination would be anywhere that is warm , devoid of all insects, especially spiders and flys and where someone serves you food and cleans up after you . Where the shopping is cheap yet good quality!, the beaches are unpolluted and stunning, with no-one in sight . Diving equiptment is available around the clock, and someone lugs your heavy tanks around for you till you get into the water. The water is tepid yet refreshing, alive with sea life yet not stingers, jelly fish or anything else that deters you from its depths. The children can entertain themselves or be entertained by professional, safe and loving carers while we are out diving. And to top it off, it is all free........ .. This was posted from Zoho writer!

I quite like this idea, very handy if you are on the go so you can share and post information without saving to disks etc, and is very easy to use if have Word knowledge.

#17 PBWiki

I find that I just can't follow instructions, I had to do the Link thing that Linda had taught me a few months ago - seems some of it sinks in, but I got mine to work and link back anyhow.
This is something I don't think I'll use in the very near future, this blogging thing is a bit beyond my norm, but at least I know a bit of the theory and the ease one has to add, edit or delete.

#16 Wikis

I am back on the 2.0 learning trail again, after almost 2 months of inactivity, I have roused my sorry butt back to the PC to complete this challenge once and for all. Wiki's... now what did I think of them and their applications...nifty would be a good word and would have great possibilities for any sort of groups - book groups to add their comments on titles, recommended reads from patrons etc.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

#15 Web 2.0 and Library 2.0

This has made me think of all those conversations I have had with people at social gatherings saying that the internet is killing libraries and books. Well fooey to all them, the internet is creating challenges that most of us had not known existed before starting this training package, I for one was one of them!

We have just added an extra 4 internet PC's at my branch this week, to a total of 9, and to my amazement, as the technician was literally plugging them in, we were booking them out. I had never realised just how many people we were turning away from using our resources as there were an inadequate amount available. An here is some of our bookstock on the shelves, with only 9% of the collection being used.

Some challenges that we as libraries will be possibly trying to overcome is training our users. In this web 2.0 world, we should not just be creating meeting rooms, we need learning rooms with banks of PC's and whiteboards at the ready for sessions on how to create blogs both for the public and individuals, using RSS feeds for both study and recreation etc.

These tools are not just for recreation, but they are integral business and study resources, and we should be sharing this knowledge now and in the future, not how to understand dated Dewey!.

Maybe this is what we will be doing with our remaining books in the future? Who really knows...

#14 Technorati

Technorati Profile
All is good, this is a nifty web site once I have time to play more with other blogs once I have finished this training. Looks like my day will include the usual checking email - personal, work, realestate.com.au, bloglines (all of this done through my blog or del.icio.us link), maybe check for new recipes via rollyo, and finding out what has been happening with mates on technorati... then it should be time to start work!

#13 Del.icio.us

Another eye opening net thingo, and something I would avidly use. Signed in, another thing on my toolbar - at least I know what this one does! I must say, the best explanation of this was the Youtube video, I found this the most valuable, and I liked the fact we have all this technology, yet they used paper cut outs to make the point!

Monday, October 22, 2007


Just when I think that I am getting the hang of how blogger and java work, they don't - a little frustrating indeed I must say. I tried to type the below in the last post and it overwrote every thing under it - not too sure, so just created a new post! Sometimes that seems the only way to go.

Well, I keep inputting these little gizmos and am never quite sure of the results. Looks like I am going to end up with a blog of half assed widgets, pics and more and more usernames and passwords!

# 12 Rollyo widgeto

Bloody Javascript

Never sure if this works, but here is another go at adding titles to my blog

Sunday, October 21, 2007

#11 Library Thing

Hmm, having a look at library thing, I think this is a great tool for use in the library just to recommend things to patrons, will just see if this has done what I wanted it to do....

Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 5- Playing around - haven't we already being doing that!

For the top pics go to this link:

This one is a bit more obvious!

Yo dudes - got this Bling theng happening. See link to get yourself there grl! Gonna start pimp'n my blog - just watch out yo

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I did something!!!

Subscribe with Bloglines

I managed to add this little nifty fella, and it EVEN works. Still can't do the other thing though, will work it out with our guru tomorrow!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 4 : RSS feeds

Hmmmm, more problems, must have been jinxed by Deb, as have had to type this 3 times already. How many versions and different types of media is required to explain adding feeds and blogs etc to Bloglines - covers all types of learning styles I spose. Just imagine some excited Youtubers thinking that "this site must be brilliant, look how many hits it has had..." they will be sadly disappointed. Well, as to whether it has sunk in.. the proof will be in the pudding, possibly not.
Just contemplating adding another flickr pic, but thought better of it - already a week behind, log onto that and the rest of the day will fly by - like looking for houses - NEVERENDING....
I really needed a Youtube version of how to add HTML into these blogs, spend 20 mins with someone today trying to do her things with no success, and now can't add my Bloglines html to this, to be continued next post.

Ahh, just a quick pic, can't help it.
Reminds me of doco Ned wanted to watch on the weekend, but had to make a hasty channel flick when the polar bear came in for the kill..... 4 is too young to visit the arctic food chain!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

More Warhol

See, obsessed... Ned with his doctor's glasses

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Ellie Warhol

Way too much fun! I think I have Flickr'd myself out for this post. HAVE to get an account, there is soooo much cool stuff. At least this is a great way of having photo's of the kids on the net without thinking horrible stuff.

I better get back to the real thing, or even catch up on what I should be doing for this weeks 2.0!

Week 3: Did someone say "Big Huge Labs"?

He, he he. Had a bit of fun this week, though a tad behind and I was actually looking forward to getting on and having a play - a foreign word in my life right now!

Shame Michelle and Julie have been "slimmed" down by "bighugelabs" - sounds a little rude really! I had originally created some tongue in cheek "articles" for the magazine cover, but they didn't work as expected and couldn't get the print smaller, so modified and kept simple (such as a sealed section : what really goes on in the stacks....)

Have been having a go at Flickr also this week, uploading images, giving tags (then lost interest/time ran out, sorry Michelle), but feel a bit bad using work account, will endeavour to create own account in near future.... add to "to do" list.

Was planning to do a mosiac cube of our staff development night on "hugebiglabs" but then had to hand over passwords etc to flickr, and not mine so stopped, but would have been cool I recon, maybe another time.

It is pretty nifty what you can do, going to try something else shortly.... oh the time I could waste....

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 2: Fartn around with Flickr

Photo titled: how to disappear, part 1

I must say that I was a little skeptical about what flickr could offer, but I got lost looking at interestingness. One of the brilliant photos drew me in, an I found myself looking at more of her photos, reading the comments on her blog, her profile and then I felt almost compelled to post a comment. She had lost her dog in the last few days it seems, and there are 42 comments from people sharing her pain and offering words of encouragement. The only problem is that I wanted to revisit the site, and can't for the life of me find it again - that's the net for you! (finally found it again after 20 minutes!)
I am in awe of people's brilliance with a camera, the way they get light and colour and textures to dance for them.
This is the photo I was looking for - finally. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week 1 & 2: The journey begins

This is the first update to something that I am not sure what form it will be taking, I suppose the same as the rest of us "librarians" having a go at this tech. So far I am not sure if I will even be content with what I have done, and if I will be able to alter it.. to be determined.
This may eventually include some funny anecdotes of family life, work life and just observations in general, but don't get your hopes up, it may be dismally boring, repetitive and a waste of bandwidth!