Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 2: Fartn around with Flickr

Photo titled: how to disappear, part 1

I must say that I was a little skeptical about what flickr could offer, but I got lost looking at interestingness. One of the brilliant photos drew me in, an I found myself looking at more of her photos, reading the comments on her blog, her profile and then I felt almost compelled to post a comment. She had lost her dog in the last few days it seems, and there are 42 comments from people sharing her pain and offering words of encouragement. The only problem is that I wanted to revisit the site, and can't for the life of me find it again - that's the net for you! (finally found it again after 20 minutes!)
I am in awe of people's brilliance with a camera, the way they get light and colour and textures to dance for them.
This is the photo I was looking for - finally. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week 1 & 2: The journey begins

This is the first update to something that I am not sure what form it will be taking, I suppose the same as the rest of us "librarians" having a go at this tech. So far I am not sure if I will even be content with what I have done, and if I will be able to alter it.. to be determined.
This may eventually include some funny anecdotes of family life, work life and just observations in general, but don't get your hopes up, it may be dismally boring, repetitive and a waste of bandwidth!