Monday, October 22, 2007


Just when I think that I am getting the hang of how blogger and java work, they don't - a little frustrating indeed I must say. I tried to type the below in the last post and it overwrote every thing under it - not too sure, so just created a new post! Sometimes that seems the only way to go.

Well, I keep inputting these little gizmos and am never quite sure of the results. Looks like I am going to end up with a blog of half assed widgets, pics and more and more usernames and passwords!


Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

At least you have an archive of what you have done!!
It's all a learning experience.
Keep up th egood work


Nick said...

That's computers for you Mon...

and that's a bit of a scary picture of a clown pinata you have there...

was never one for clowns!

Loving reading your blogs though.
