OK,I give up - again! When my 'feeds' showed you'd updated [nyeh eh eh] it's got "I did something" as a link, so I double clicked on it and it took me into where you can create a ribbon. That was pretty useless, so I actually clicked into your real blog, you know, colours, piccies, everything, and there's no ribbon, nor any link when I clicked on "I did something". Ummm, what now mon ami?
OK,I give up - again! When my 'feeds' showed you'd updated [nyeh eh eh] it's got "I did something" as a link, so I double clicked on it and it took me into where you can create a ribbon.
That was pretty useless, so I actually clicked into your real blog, you know, colours, piccies, everything, and there's no ribbon, nor any link when I clicked on "I did something". Ummm, what now mon ami?
Good going. Loved the bloglines link, now if only I was using bloglines, lol.
You're doing great and I am happy you are getting so much out of it. Keep up the good work and don't forget to enjoy it too!
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